
Remote Controller Mod for NX1/NX500/NX300

Project maintained by mewlips Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Remote Controller Mod for NX1/NX500/NX300

screenshot of remote controller web interface





How To Install



  1. Download nx-remote-controller-mod-v0.9_nx1_nx500.zip
  2. Unzip the 'nx-remote-controller-mod-v0.9_nx1_nx500.zip' file to root of your SD card.
  3. Insert the SD card into your camera and power up the camera.
  4. Wait. The installation will be completed soon.


  1. Download nx-remote-controller-mod-v0.9_nx300.zip
  2. Unzip the 'nx-remote-controller-mod-v0.9_nx300.zip' file to root of your SD card.
  3. Insert the SD card into your camera and power up the camera.

How To Use

NX1/NX500 (nx-patch)

  1. Press the 'MOBILE' button.
    • Basic 'MOBILE' function replaced by nx-remote-controller-mod.
    • It will open the WIFI Settings app if the camera is not connected to a Wi-Fi network.
    • If you have a configured Wi-Fi network, the camera will be automatically try to connect to the configured Wi-Fi AP.
    • After the camera is connected on network, then app menu will be launched.
  2. Make sure the camera and the PC or Mobile device are on the same Wi-Fi network.
  3. Find IP Address of your camera from the app menu.
  4. Open 'http://<IP address of camera>' in web browser.

NX1/NX500 (NX-KS2)

  1. Enable Wi-Fi.
  2. Make sure the camera and the PC or Mobile device are on the same Wi-Fi network.
  3. Check 'Remote Ctr' on NX-KS mod menu.
  4. Camera's IP address will be shown.
  5. Open 'http://<IP address of camera>' in web browser.


  1. Set up Wi-Fi connection through Email app in 'Wi-Fi' mode.
  2. Turn off the power.
  3. Turn on the power.
  4. If the configured Wi-Fi connection available, then the camera's ip address will be shown on LCD.
  5. Open 'http://<IP address of camera>' in web browser.

Known problems


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